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Wilks Head & Eve LLP,
3rd Floor
55 New Oxford Street,
London, WC1A 1BS
020 7637 8471
BSc (Hons) MRICS Registered Valuer
Mark joined the valuation team in 2009 and is a Partner of Wilks Head & Eve. He is a key part of the valuation team and is responsible for ascertaining the correct information for all types of valuation and undertaking detailed valuations as part of the professional team. He has complete knowledge and understanding of the valuation methods for both private and public sector including extensive general fund and housing stock portfolio experience. As a RICS Registered Valuer additional expertise include various development work, S.123 Best Value reports for acquisitions & disposals and specialised property valuations.
Service Area: Valuation
enquiries@wilks-head.co.uk 07867 976 152 0207 637 8471 LinkedIn